Thursday, 16 October 2014

Falling Down Sound Edit:

This edit shows that we understand the use of sound within a video clip. This edit was the first time of experiencing sound files and using Garage Band to link the sounds we felt appropriate to the clip given to us from falling down.

What I learnt?
- I learnt how to use and navigate my way around Garage Band
- I was able to create multiple layers of sound to give different atmospheres 
- I was able to link the correct sound to a specific aspect of the clip
- I learnt why sound is so important within a clip. If you listen to the same clip one with the imagery and one without you get a different vibe and connect more to the different meanings of the clip.

What went well?
- I created multiple layers of sound for example; the sound effects of the bee buzzing alongside the busy road traffic and the talking/laughing of children on the school bus.
- I applied the correct sound to the clip successfully

What could I improve?
- I could possibly add a couple of layers to the sections of the clips where I only have 1-2 layers
- I could also use a wider variety of sounds and be more creative in making some of my own sounds that would link in with the video clip

Overall, this was an effective learning technique on how to use Garage Band and widen our knowledge on sound and the fact that there is never just one sound there are always a layer of different sounds in each little section.

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