Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Sound Teminology:

The process of associating audio tracks with footage, timed physically on film strip with tick marks.

Diegetic Sound:
Sound source from within the film. (Characters can hear) e.g.
- Voice of characters 
- Sound made by objects within the film
- Music represented by instruments within the film (music source from instruments being played by characters)

Non-Diegetic Sound:
Sound source that's not shown within the film (characters can't hear) e.g.
- Narrators commentary
- Sound Affects
- Music (in background ect) 

- The character and atmosphere of a place.
- The quality or character given to a sound recording by the space in which the sound occurs.

The reproduction of everyday sound effects added to a film/video to enhance the audio quality e.g.
- Squeaking doors  
- Breaking glass
- Swishing of clothes
- Footsteps

A conversation between 2 or more people shown within a film.

Emotional Realism:
A soundtrack that reflects the mood of the story and the characters feelings and emotions.

Establishing sound:
The sound that establishes from the very beginning of the sound and follows throughout, the general characters of the surroundings.
Establishing sound is usually removed or reduced in volume throughout during dialogue and then return; the sound stays the same throughout.

Sound Motif:
A sound effect or combination of sound effects that are associated with a particular character, setting, situation or idea through the film.

1 comment:

  1. Some good information, but presentation and application is lacking

    WT D

    Can you embed a video that we have analysed in class to show you can identify and cetgorise these aspects.

    If possible a Thriller would be useful, or you could apply all this to Falling Down.
